Write better in 7 steps

There are people who write for themselves in a quiet chamber. Or just for the family and closest friends. But there are others as well: People who want to reach as many readers as possible. If you belong to this second group, these 7 tips will help you write.

Language connects, language excludes

Ionly learned German in kindergarten. Before, I spoke Cantonese only with my parents and siblings at home. I was the youngest of four children, the baby of the family, who surprised my parents and siblings with creative word creations. Nobody understood me in kindergarten. And so, together with the other Secondos from Italy and Spain, I attended the German lessons. I was the exotic one among the foreign children.

Comprehensible structure for better understanding

Highlight headlines in bold, use the hyphen or other pretty characters as bullets, and increase the spacing between text and image with empty lines: CMS editors can be very creative when capturing content. This is to the disappointment of users who use technological tools such as screen reader or text-to-speech engines.

How to write good alternative texts

The new website is barrier-free and finally online after numerous tests and optimizations. However, this does not mean that the website remains permanently accessible. Many accessibility deficiencies arise retroactively – on an editorial level. Alternative texts are an example. Only meaningful alternative texts help the user. In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to write good alternative texts.